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If you want to know how to wear heels that are too big, I’m going to give you the essential rules for success!
Imagine this, you buy a new pair of heels thinking that they’ll fit perfectly.
Two weeks later the heels arrive, you try them on only to find that your feet are too small for them.
What could be the possible solution for this?
Well, you could either send them back to the manufacturer in exchange for a better size, or you could just get a refund.
If you choose the first option, it’s best for you to understand how to properly measure your foot size so that you don’t purchase the wrong size again.
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How To Wear Heels That Are Too Big!
1. Walk With The Shoe

One of the most important things that you can do when your heels are too big is walk with the shoe.
If you find that your feet end in the middle of the shoe’s sole, it’s vital that you don’t overextend your stride and only take careful steps.
If you have a platform, this tip is essential because falling is much easier with this type of shoe.
Make sure that you practice walking in over-sized heels at home before going public.
2. Wear Long Pants

When you have heels that are too big, wearing longer pants can save your entire aesthetic.
Take me for example, the heels I’m wearing in the picture below are a whole size too big for my feet(they’re a size 15 while I’m a fourteen).
I was able to make these heels work for this outfit because the pants covered the heel’s true size, making for a well-completed look.
Basically, longer pants cover up the part of your heel that has a gap so no one notices.
Simple boot-cut jeans, lengthy dress pants, or even decent sweatpants can make your oversized heels look like they fit perfectly with the rest of your outfit!
Keep in mind that you can always wear oversized pants to just cover up your heels completely.
3. Fill N' Pose
In case you’re wanting to show off your oversized heels, isolating your weight to the back of your heel to fill in the extra space is a certified tactic that I use for photos.
Now this takes practice, but walking with the heel-toe method slowly can make your big heels seem more fitting.
Don’t expect them to look perfectly snug but this method makes a difference in the way your heels appear to fit!
4. Buy A Gap Filler
This has to be the best tip I can give you because this is truly a revolutionary tool!
Simply insert the gap filler inside the front of your heels and experience the comfort of almost-perfectly fitting shoes!
Those were the best tips for how to wear heels that are too big!
Even though finding out your new shoes are bigger than expected isn’t fun, it sure does help to have some handy strategies for making use of an otherwise perfectly wearable shoe.
With enough practice, you’re well on your way to mastering your next pair of heels with ease!